(Front Cover)
(Back Cover)

Most readers of this book are new to the search process. You are lay leaders appointed or selected by your congregation to find a new pastor. Many of you feel excited about the opportunity, yet challenged by the weight of its responsibility. What you need at this present time is some guidance on the process, and assurance that you will be successful in the endeavor.
Each week, before delving into surveys, reading resumes, viewing sermons and rating prospects, your search team can begin their meeting with a devotional study and prayer. These thematic meditations afford the committee an opportunity to reflect on a significant biblical text and receive a related word of coaching to guide your process.
Some search teams will find it beneficial to read the book in it's entirety within the first month of your appointment. This will give overall perspective to the search process. Teams that choose this format, however, will still benefit from moving chronologically through the devotional themes. And if a particular issue surfaces during the process, the topical index will help you locate advice on that topic.
As you begin your journey together, remember that it is even more important to God, than to you, who is called as your next pastor. He is sovereign. He will lead and guide. Yes, you need to do your due diligence, but be assured that this is a collaborative, divine-human partnership. Therefore, we encourage you to enjoy your journey together. Balance the being and doing. Enjoy the process, and you will be pleased with the results.
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